November 26, 2008


Hein Nixdor was born 9th April 1925s in Paderpern, with 35
old marrige to Renate Ring, subsequent birth of sons
Martin, Michael and Matthias.
Hein Nixdor death on 14 March 1986.
He was The founde of Nixdorf computer AG.
His company was in the mid 1980s the fourth largest in Europe.
He knew his employess good motivatior
and he put very precise of orderliness,
and demanded strict punctuality.
His computers enabled data electronicallyto process.

November 06, 2008

This is my nephew.
hello my name is Antonia,

I live in Lage with my boyfriend.
To beginn this year I started
at the Westfallen-College.
There I to get to know a lot
of new friends.
One of this was Lena, she helps
me by learning english and I help
her to learn maths.
I have fun on the college.
My favorite subject is mathematics,
but I´m bad in english.

First steps

Today is an exciting day- I am writing my first blog.