May 10, 2009

Shall marijuana be legalized YES?


People think marijuana is a drug and not
compatible for the casual user.
This is not so bacause Humanitay has been using
this plant for thousandof years.
The most important question of our era and for us
personally as well is: Is it possible to legalize
marijuana in this decade? We certainly hope so as
the following arguments will point out:


1. it is a natural product
2. people have used it for many many years
3. it can be used medically
4. it breaks the routine
5. it can "chill" a hot atmosphere
6. no coma smoking possible

Let usrepeat:

Marijuana it not a drug because it is a natural product and it is not addictive physically.
People have used marijuana for 1000 of years also as a medicall remedy.
It can reduce pain in the body and in some persons it acts as an a phrodesia!
When you take marijuana you will feel positive and reaxed.
For the economy can marijuana to boost the generation of taxes!
The criminal rate would be smaller and if we can legalize marijuana we will
be able to get in our pharmacies. It can also in crease the apetite of a user and
can help many people who are anorexic.


When you review the above arguments you will most likely agree that
to smoke..., a joint in public should be as legal as drinking a cocktail.
It in a bar.
Let us hope that our politicians will have the courage to finally

change a not very effcctive law!!

By the way it is a great pleasure when the rush in coming on.

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